A color wheel or color circle is an abstract illustrative organization of color hues around a circle that shows relationships between primary colors, secondary colors, complementary colors, etc.
4 types of color wheel models are available to for graphic & logo design, printing and painting. You can choose the adaptive color model based on the industry and usages to design your works.
RYB Model | RGB Model | CMY Model | HSV Model |
Red, Yellow, Blue | Red, Green, Blue | Cyan, Magenta, Yellow | Hue, Saturation, Value |
Art, painting and design |
Graphic, video/film and design | Print design | Graphic design by computers |
In logo design, we usually use RYB model. It is made up of twelve colors: primary colors (red, yellow and blue), secondary colors (orange, green and violet) and six tertiary colors which are the colors created by mixing a primary with a secondary color.
P= Primary colorsS= Secondary colorsT= Tertiary colors
Logo as brand identity, it should convey the right messenger to clients. Color is vital to communicate a wealth of emotions, moods, and circumstances. Check out the color meanings to design logo.
Red: Action, confidence |
Pink: Love, beauty |
Brown: Earth, order |
Orange: vitality |
Gold: Wealth, prosperity |
Yellow: wisdom, joy |
Green: life, nature |
Blue: youth, spirituality |
Purple: Royalty, magic, |
Hue : Hue refers to a specific tone of color. It is described as red, yellow and blue, etc. It includes saturation and brightness in color too.
Saturation : Saturation is the intensity of a hue from grey. At maximum saturation, a color contains no grey. At minimum saturation, a color would contain mostly grey
Brightness : Brightness refers to how much white or black is contained within a color.
Tint: (Color + White) - A variation of color produced by adding white to it and characterized by low saturation with relatively high lightness.
Tone: (Color + Gray) - Tone refers to the color quality or value; a tint or shade of color; the color that appreciably modifies a hue or white or black.
Shadow: (Color + Black) - A color produced by a pigment or dye mixture having some black in it.
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