Submit Support Requests

Have you referred to our Product Help,FAQ or Tutorial Center?

If you cannot find an answer from those resources, please try to submit your requests to us. All fields marked with * are required, so please fill them out.

It will be helpful for us to speed up processing your ticket if you can provide us with the detailed information and related files.

Attention: Please read the following items carefully before submitting your requests.

First of all please kindly check if mails from Sothink are in your spam folder; please make sure our official email address is white-listed in your mailbox, and if you still fail to contact us, please try the following methods:

(1).Telephone: +86 27 67848991
    Office hours: 9:00 a.m. ~ 5:00 p.m. (GMT+8:00)
    If nobody answers the phone, feel free to leave a message.

(2). Online Service
   If you haven't received prompt reply from Sothink Support in 24 hours (except for weekend and holidays),
   please forward your email to sothinksupport@gmail for assistance.
   Also, you can follow us on Facebook:

Before submitting requests, please make sure of the following points::

  • All necessary information has been filled out.
  • All information is correct and error-free.
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Contact E-mail:
* Support Issue:   
* Anti-SPAM protection, please enter:

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