Design a Controllable Window Blind
Look, when you click the button, the window blind will open and close bit by bit. In this course, I focus on showing you how to use button to control movie clip.
Series: SWF Quicker 1.6
Estimated Time of Completion: 30 minutes
Prepared work: Click windowblind.rar (1.04 MB) to download.
Step one: Launch Sothink SWF Quicker.
By default, the program will create a new file when startup. Set the property of canvas as Width: 475; Height: 300; Color: white.
Step Two: Create a window blind
1. Press Ctrl+F8 to create a movie clip symbol. Use rectangle tool to draw a rectangle on the canvas. Width: 400. Select Paint Bucket tool in Tools panel. It's better to skim through the words in following picture, and try to find a color you like. Up to you!
Tips:For my part, the window blind without rims seems a little bit nice-looking. Do you think so? To make your shape no rim, just set the size of its outline as zero.
2. Change the gradient direction of the rectangle with Paint Bucket tool.
3. Right-click the piece and choose copy in the context dialog box, then right-click again to choose paste, use this method to get multiple piece.
4. Arrange the pieces.
Step three: Make window blind rotated vertically
1. Press F6 to enter a keyframe, in frame10 and frame20.
2. Click frame10 and select all pieces. Rotate them like this:
3. Right-click frame1 and frame10 to choose create motion tween.
4. Insert a new layer, rename it as action.
5. Click frame1, write actionscrip in Action panel: stop();
6. Right-click frame1 and select copy frames in context box, paste frames in frame5, 10, 15, and 20. Now, your movie clip will stop at the four frames respectively.
7. Insert a keyframe in frame10 and Click it, look at property panel, click the folder to browse your computer, and get the m.wav for your movie, the sound is added to the frames, in which displayed a wave.
Step four: See landscape through window blind.
1. Click Scene in timeline to back to main scene. Import winter.jpg to canvas, set it on the left of canvas, drag the movie clip from library and cover the picture completely.
2. Press Ctrl+F8 to create a button symbol. Now, you are entered into button editing mode, draw a simple button with a triangle on it. There are four states, add butt.wav in down state.
3. Click the window blind on the canvas, give this movie clip a name in properties panel.
4. Drag button symbol from library twice. Now you get two buttons. Click the upper one, and write following actionscript in Action panel:
Click the other one and write following actionscript:
That’s the end. Hopefully it is very useful to you!