Interface Introduction 2

This tutorial introduces six panels named Shape, Scene, Transform, Layout, Library and Movie Explorer panel to you.

Series: SWF Quicker 2.0
Estimated Time of Completion: 10 minutes

6. Shape, Scene, Transform, Layout, Library, Movie Explorer panel.
The Shape panel is to set the attributes of selected shape symbols.

The Scene panel is to store scenes in this movie document. SWF Quicker provides more than one scene, just like scenes in film, and we can create numerals of different scenes and switch them freely. You are about to experience the feeling of directors.

The Transform panel is used to position, scale, skew and rotate an instance, and to create color transform.

The Layout panel is to set the alignment of multiple selected instances in the movie, horizontally or vertically.

The Library panel is to store all the symbols in the current document. Automatically, everything you draw on the canvas will become a Shape symbol stored in the panel, and the text you input will become a Text symbol.

The Movie Explorer panel provides easy access to the elements used in the current movie and lets users select an element on the canvas quickly.

That’s the end of the introduction for SWF Quicker’s interface. In the next section, we will show you the basic Flash creation. 

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