Extract SWF Files from Files

Following steps will guide you to capture SWF files from files with this flash capture step by step:

Step 1. Install Sothink SWF Catcher.

Download and install Sothink SWF Catcher.

Step 2. Extract SWF Files from Files.

Click "File Extract" button file-extract in the tool bar to open the dialog. This program allows you to extract SWF files from four types of local files, including *.air, *.apk, *.exe and *.swc.

Note: If you have clicked the button "File Extract " for one time, you need to hit the button of reload to open the local files dialog once again.

Step3. Save SWF Files

Choose SWF files in the SWF file list panel. You can edit it with Sothink SWF Decompiler before saving these files. Just click "Save to" to save the SWF files.


















