Version History of Sothink DHTML Menu
This drop down menu builder helps you to make good-looking and SE friendly drop down menus, JavaScript menus for web navigation. See the following version history information:
Sothink DHTML Menu 9.7, Build: 943
Functions Enhanced:
- Upgrade Dreamweaver extension to 3.3.3, FrontPage add-in to 3.4 and Expression Web add-in to 1.9.
Fixed Bugs:
- Fix some bugs.
Sothink DHTML Menu 9.6, Build: 940
Functions Enhanced:
- Support Microsoft IE9.
Sothink DHTML Menu 9.5, Build: 938
Functions Enhanced:
- Add 19 new built-in templates.
Samples: Dot, Drawer, Crystal, Roof, Green Underline
Sothink DHTML Menu 9.4, Build: 936
Functions Enhanced:
- Support Safari 5 on Windows & Mac OS X.
Fixed Bugs:
- Upgrade Dreamweaver extension to V3.3.2 to fix shortcut conflicts.
Sothink DHTML Menu 9.4, Build: 935
Functions Enhanced:
- Upgrade Dreamweaver extension to V3.3.1 to support DW CS4 and CS5.
- 18 new built-in templates are available for designing JavaScript menu.
Samples: Board, List, Lilac, Anchor Chain, Modern - Save the background color of preview window in PGT file convenient for editing next time.
Sothink DHTML Menu 9.3, Build: 932
Functions Enhanced:
- Added 15 new built-in templates.
Samples: Flip, Gray, Skelecton, Pure Black, Olive - Auto-check the latest version: the program will prompt you if a newer version is available, and after confirming upgrade, you can enter corresponding web page and download the new program.
Sothink DHTML Menu 9.2, Build: 90326
Functions Enhanced:
- Support Internet Explorer 8
Fixed bugs:
- The Slip effect is invalid in transitional or strict DTD pages because the JS explanation in IE 8 is inconsistent with previous versions.
- The sub items did not inherit the path of the main item when using site navigation structure generator, which caused path lost and invalid links.
Sothink DHTML Menu 9.1, Build: 90218
Functions Enhanced:
- Support Internet Explorer 8 RC1
Sothink DHTML Menu 9.0, Build: 81111
Functions Enhanced:
- Support Google Chrome.
- Tab Menu is supported. It is a menu type which displays main menu items as tabs. The sub menu items are always displayed on a line below when moving the mouse over or clicking a main menu item.
- Support setting background with rounded corner. Users can choose background images in Background Library or custom the background images as they like
- Add new templates and modify the present style in the built-in templates.
- Sort the images by the use frequency in all image libraries and the Style panel of Menu Item.
- Simplify the surround function by dividing "Popup Menu > Surround" into normal panel and advanced panel. Users can adjust the color, tint & brightness to edit the surround image or choose corners and edges separately.
- Modifying the present styles of menu item.
- Add an option in dialog "Options > General" to sort the styles in Menu Item > Style panel and images in Image Library and Background Library by the frequency.
- The files will be displayed as thumbnails when clicking the folder buttons in several panels of the program to browse and choose files in the computer.
- Move the option setting in "Global > Menu Type" to "Global > General."
- Auto -scroll" is checked automatically in option setting of "Global > General" when choosing "Float" as menu type.
- Simplify the operating procedures in image library and sort the images by the frequency .
- Optimize the preview window in "Popup Menu > Effect".
- Modify the tip text of several buttons on the main toolbar.
- Delete 2 buttons on the toolbar of menu tree panel and adjust the order of other buttons.
Fixed bugs:
- When inputting invalid value as width in "Global > General" with the option "Stretch whole menu width" checked, the program has failed to react.
- When previewing a web page that includes a 2-level menu in Netscape browser, the character "#" has been added to the URL address of this web page automatically after clicking different menu items for several times.
- If user set to hide "Flash movie or other ActiveX Object" automatically in "Global > Advanced", Flash movie or other ActiveX Object has failed to be shown correctly in some browsers on MAC platforms.
Sothink DHTML Menu 8.6, Build: 80707
Functions Enhanced:
- Support Firefox 3 and Opera 9.5.
- Work as add-in of Expression Web 2.0.
- Upgrade plug-in from 3.2 to 3.3 for Dreamweaver, from 3.2 to 3.3 for Front Page, from 1.7 to 1.8 for Expression Web and from 2.1 to 2.2 for Golive.
Fixed bugs:
- The "Check for Updates" dialog has popped up by mistake if installing and running Office 2007 after Sothink DHTML Menu was installed.
- A mistake prompting dialog has popped up when you open the web pages in Dreamweaver or Golive and the web pages were saved in the directory with name containing Non-English characters.
- Some dll which was mistakenly regarded as viruses by Anti-virus software is actually not viruses.
- An error dialog has popped up when clicking "Save and close" while using the Sothink DHTML Menu as an add-in in Dreamweaver 3 and Dreamweaver 4.
Sothink DHTML Menu 8.5, Build: 80402
Functions Enhanced:
- Support Windows Vista (SP1).
- Support Safari 3.1.
Fixed bugs:
- When the mouse moves again over the menu item, which sub items have popped up with a special effect, the special effect will be shown again by mistake.
Sothink DHTML Menu 8.4, Build: 80226
Functions Enhanced:
- Add the function to edit image in image library.
- Add 5 new built-in templates, 3 Calendar templates included.
- Upgrade plug-in from 3.1 to 3.2 for Dreamweaver, from 3.1 to
3.2 for Front Page, from 1.6 to 1.7 for Expression Web and from 2.0 to 2.1 for Golive. - Set "menu Item > General" panel as the task panel displayed by default when launching the program for the first time.
Fixed bugs:
- When a scroller is published to a web page containing a DHTML Menu with special effect, the special effect of the menu will disappear.
- In menu creating process, the chosen image can't be shown in the preview window when there is ' character in its path on computer.
- When you create a horizontal menu with edit mode selected, the added appended sub item will pop up in wrong direction if the width value of its parent item is set larger than the default width value.
- A dialog will pop up by mistake when opening a *.stm file with DHTML Menu.
Sothink DHTML Menu 8.3, Build: 71210
Functions Enhanced:
- Modify the saving path of image library, template and item style on non-Win98 systems.
Fixed bugs:
- The surround has displayed with mistakes sometimes when web page are using strict dtd.
- Border with dotted lines has occurred sometimes when using Keyboard Navigation function.
- Sometimes when pressing Ctrl + l to add a new item in preview window with edit mode selected, the select border of item disappeared.
- Special effect Rectangle did not work sometimes when hiding menu.
Sothink DHTML Menu 8.2, Build: 71113
Functions Enhanced:
- Support Keyboard Navigation function, which enables user to control the menu by using the keyboard.
- Add advanced function to both Menu Item Setting and Separator Setting. It appends the option "Disable" to hide certain items or separators.
- Add 4 new built-in templates.
- Upgrade plug-in from 3.0 to 3.1 for Dreamweaver.
- Optimize the Right to left function.
- Add several buttons on the toolbar of menu tree panel.
Fixed bugs:
- Failed to pop up the "Save As" dialog when an imported *.stm file was saved under WIN98.
- When working with Dreamweaver Library, the menu code
has some errors. - The border of item disappears when finishing inputting content in the item in preview window with edit mode selected.
- Displayed menu with confused structure in Konqueror.
Sothink DHTML Menu 8.1, Build: 70827
Functions Enhanced:
- Upgrade plug-ins from 3.0 to 3.1 for Front Page and from
1.5 to 1.6 for Expression Web. - Add Web path setting in Resource Folder panel to set the path for resource files. After entering "Global > Resource Folder", click the button to switch to the Web Path setting panel.
- Add an option in dialog "Options > General" to save *.pgt file without copying resources.
Fixed bugs:
- Encode incorrectly in the paths of Site Root and JavaScript files when the option "Encode special character" was unchecked in Global > Advanced > Encode.
- When previewing in IE browser, the height of the separator in horizontal menu changed if the menu was inserted within a table.
Sothink DHTML Menu 8.0, Build: 70807
Functions Enhanced:
- The Attractive User Interface
The attractive user interface comes out with new release! It has improved the fashionable skin, the reasonable layout and handy editing. Flexible panel layout makes sure you can edit the menu in the favorite way; edit and modify the menu in tree-list panel or preview window; and click the buttons on the toolbar to refresh, preview or publish the menu directly. With the brand-new interface, building menu becomes more easy and simple. - Full Edit Mode
Full edit mode is a more visual way to create the menu. While in the Edit Mode, you can directly edit on your menu in the preview window, but not just preview your menu. You can edit the selected menu item(s) by right-clicking in preview window, which includes exactly the same operations in Menu Tree panel. - Resource Folder
Resource folder helps the users to set the JavaScript and image folder for resource files used in the menu, which makes sure the same menu display exactly within multi-page of different folders, and also you can preview the menu locally or on the web. After setting these folders, our program will do the rest of the things for you --- copy all menu files to the defined folders, no matter you use the program alone or within Dreamweaver, Front Page, Expression Web or Golive. - Publish
Publish is the vital step to insert the menu into web page. All the publish options are visible in the interface. Following the tips on the dialog to set the corresponding folder and do some operations, you can insert the menu into web page easily. In comparison with old step-by-step publish wizard, this is clear and brief publishing method.
- Tips of the Day
Tips of the Day gives you tips & tricks about using the program, which shows at the start of the program. It helps you to use the program better, get the related information easily and grasp the usage method quickly. View these tips carefully; you will get the unknown skills before. - Encoding
Encoding can encode menu in the proper language when inputting the characters different from your default system language, and make the menu display correctly in the program and preview page.
- Multi-Column Menu
Arranging long pop up menu items in a table in group, you can use the multi-column menu function to organize your menu items orderly. The horizontal or vertical popup menu is supported. And the multi-row menu effect can also be reached. - Copy and Paste Properties between Different *.pgt Files
Duplicate menu items from one menu to another menu in different program windows by just Copy and Paste, the properties of menu items can be copied too. And even, you can re-arrange menu's structure in new menu window by this function. - Import Sothink Tree Menu Authoring File (*.stm).
Supports switching to drop-down menu from tree-like menu by importing the authoring file (*.stm) of Sothink Tree Menu. New popup menu has the same properties with tree-like menu, including text content, text type, link, target, status, tip text. - New Special Effects -- Rectangle
Show or hide sub-menu with the effect rectangle, which is supported by all compatible browsers. And the effect box also can be customized by setting the border properties for the popup menu.
- New Templates
Add new templates, modify the present style in the built-in templates and re-arrange the existing templates. - Support W3C Valid XHTML 1.0
W3C Valid XHTML 1.0 has validated the menu code generated by Sothink DHTML Menu, which proves that these codes in format are compliant to W3C recommendations and other standards. - Upgrade plug-ins from 2.6 to 3.0 for Dreamweaver, from 1.0 to 1.5 for Expression Web, from 2.7 to 3.0 for Front Page, and from 1.6 to 2.0 for Golive.
- Divide "Blank Menu" from "File > New" into "Horizontal Menu" and "Vertical Menu".
- In edit mode, the linked URL will be opened in new window when clicking the menu item in preview window with Ctrl and Alt down.
- With "Edit Mode" selected, double-click the menu item to edit its text in preview window.
- Add the option "Display Direction" into the dialog "Append Sub Item".
- Support setting the property "transparent" in Firefox.
- Make "Global - Link Prefix" into new property panel.
- Delete the option "User default context menu of Internet Explorer" in dialog "Options > Preview".
- Add an option to correct the links begin with "file:///" if Site Root is set as the same directory in dialog "Options > General".
- Add the useful shortcuts to create the menu quickly.
Sothink DHTML Menu 7.3, Build: 70329
Functions Enhanced:
- Supply a new add-in program that supports Microsoft Expression Web.
- Add 19 new templates and a new type "Clone" in built-in templates.
- "Stretch whole menu width" function is optimized. With the option checked, the default width of each menu item of the top level will be auto adjusted evenly according to the Item Width value you set.
Tips: For previous users who used the function, to make sure the function work properly, you should set the item width for each menu item of the top level.
Sothink DHTML Menu 7.2, Build: 70212
Functions Enhanced:
- Support Windows Vista.
- Upgrade plug-ins from 2.4 to 2.5 for Dreamweaver, from 2.5 to 2.6 for Front Page, and from 1.4 to 1.5 for Golive.
- Add "Quicker Tour" in template startup window to guide the process of creating menu.
- Diversify clicking methods to show sub menu in Global Settings > General.
- Add shortcut key "Ctrl+J" for "Fast Publish JS", and set option to cancel the prompt window in Advanced > Options.
- Add a template for Valentine's Day.
Fixed bugs:
- Support Outlook agreement.
- The cross-frame popup menus lost background images and surround when they show in target frame.
Sothink DHTML Menu 7.1, Build: 61128
Function Enhanced:
- Add two Christmas templates.
Fixed bugs:
- When editing menu, if you have set the status text for an item with link, the status text can not show correctly.
- The nested multiple iframes will affect the auto-highlight function of menu.
- When you replace an image in Image Library, preview window does not refresh to show the new image.
- If you input incorrect value in dialog "Append Multi Sub Item" and click "Cancel", a prompt message will show instead of closing the dialog.
- If you only change the setting of option "Show this window at start" in Startup dialog, the button "OK" is gray out.
- In the "Pop Settings>Effect", the effect preview is always be refreshed when switching between this panel and others.
Sothink DHTML Menu 7.0, Build: 60906
Functions Enhanced:
- Search Engine Friendly Code Maker
Make menu's contents be found by search engine quickly; get your website more competitive; display menu content by sitemap if JavaScript is forbidden in the browser. Search Engine Friendly Code Maker assists you to reach all above-mentioned benefits without any difficulty.
- Support Google XML Sitemap
Depending on the menu's structure and link, XML sitemap maker can generate special codes directly and save them in XML format, which are friendly to Google. After generating XML file, you can manage your website and optimize rank in Google search engine by submitting it to Google. Help to locate your website on top rank of the searched result list; raise your website exposure chances to be known by the people.
- Image Library
Image resource can be used in the program directly. The pre-design images are grouped in four categories, icon, arrow, background and separator. It is convenient for the users to insert the image into the menu. And more customization lies in users can define one category for other usage or save your favorite image into Image Library.
- Surround
Perfect the menu, integrating the menu image and corner image into one entity. Each corner and each side has different surround settings. Even though, the user can design a symmetric or asymmetric corner to individuate your menu.
- Effect Preview
Something special in your menu will attract visitors. Effect is good choice to get it. The program enables users to preview the effect and speed so as to choose the optimal effect for your menu.
- Re-organized Templates
Re-organized templates include new samples shown on the website; and the related template dialogs has been changed. They are divided into six types, Business, OS, Simple, Art, Effect, My templates. The users can use these menus directly by modifying the text or images which you need. The menu is finished in few minutes. The only thing is to choose which menu matches website better during menu creation.
- Optimize Style
More new styles are offered. And Icon and background images can be saved to Styles.
- Fast Publish JS
Fast generate and publish JS files and images file, which is the same resource path and settings as last saved ones. It is useful for the users who publish the menu by creating a JavaScript (*.js) include file. Having this function, you can publish the resource file rapidly.
- Append Multi Sub Items
Add arbitrary number of sub items at one time. Input the value in the field to get the enough menu items, which is unnecessary to add the sub men items one by one.
- Support UTF-8
Support encoding the saved JS file, and save the file in UTF-8 format.
- Upgrade Plug-ins
Upgrade plug-ins from 2.3 to 2.4 for Dreamweaver and Front Page, and from 1.2 to 1.3 for Golive.
- Redesigned Interface
Make all the buttons in the interface more beautiful.
About Sothink DHTML Menu
- It is an easy and productive drop down menu builder to create SE friendly drop down menu, JavaScript menu for web navigation without writing a single line of code. Rich templates and preset styles let you create professional DHTML menus in no time. Free integration enables you to add menus to webpage using existing HTML editor. The menu appearance can be fully customized.
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Create eye-catching DHTML drop down menus and tree-view menus for web navigation without JavaScript programming.

Feature Comparison between DHTML Menu and Tree Menu >>
- "This specialized program eases the process considerably with a no-nonsense interface that puts the necessary design and scripting elements at your fingertips."
- "I can now create DHTML menus looking exactly how I want them, without having to wrestle with indecipherable javascript code."